|   Algorithmic and Clinical Bias (6)   | |   Ambient Linguistic Data and Model Reuse (3)   | |   De-Identification (2)   | |   Discourse and Document Segmentation (1)   | |   Phenotyping and Cohort Creation (4)   | |   Social, Behavioral, and Family History Determinants (3)   |

Algorithmic and Clinical Bias

April 1, 2024

Probing clinical NLP models for structural bias

April 1, 2024

Using ChatGPT and OpenAI ethically and safely in research and education

March 19, 2024

Risk modeling without increasing risk

June 28, 2023

Algorithmic Bias in De-Identification Tools

April 12, 2023

Implicit bias: Measuring the impact of pejorative and laudative language by clinicians on language models

November 7, 2022

Implicit provider bias as assessed through explicit mentions of pejorative and laudative terms in MIMIC-III

Semantic Word Embeddings and Distributional Effects

Evaluation and Model Robustness


May 1, 2024

An extensible evaluation framework applied to clinical text deidentification natural language processing tools: Multisystem and multicorpus study

January 25, 2021

Comparative Study of Various Approaches for Ensemble-based De-identification of Electronic Health Record Narratives

Social, Behavioral, and Family History Determinants

March 19, 2024

Risk modeling without increasing risk

November 17, 2023

Initial development of tools to identify child abuse and neglect in pediatric primary care

November 5, 2022

Extracting Social Determinants of Health from Clinical Text with a Post-Hoc Ensemble of Off-the-shelf Models

Ambient Linguistic Data and Model Reuse

May 1, 2024

An extensible evaluation framework applied to clinical text deidentification natural language processing tools: Multisystem and multicorpus study

November 5, 2022

Extracting Social Determinants of Health from Clinical Text with a Post-Hoc Ensemble of Off-the-shelf Models

January 25, 2021

Comparative Study of Various Approaches for Ensemble-based De-identification of Electronic Health Record Narratives

Discourse and Document Segmentation

February 23, 2023

Beyond Structure - Using Standardized Labels from a Clinical Section Ontology in Natural Language Processing

Medical Concept Extraction and Normalization

NLP and Machine Learning for COVID-19

Phenotyping and Cohort Creation

March 19, 2024

Risk modeling without increasing risk

November 17, 2023

Initial development of tools to identify child abuse and neglect in pediatric primary care

April 11, 2023

Piloting an automated clinical trial eligibility surveillance and provider alert system based on artificial intelligence and standard data models

April 1, 2023

Piloting an automated clinical trial eligibility surveillance and provider alert system based on artificial intelligence and standard data models